You have reached the Operator level of the Billionaire Code.

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The Operator

Your BIG Question:
"How does my team get me ahead?"

The Operator

Your BIG Question:
"How does my team get me ahead?"


The BIG Question: What’s wrong with me?

Congratulations, you’re at the Operator level on the Billionaire Code.  

Becoming an Operator is one of the biggest shifts that we ever have to make as entrepreneurs.  

You have to make the huge transition from asking “How do I get ahead?” to “How does my team get me ahead?”

Can you get to $1,000,000 without utilizing a team?  Maybe, but you’re going to hit your limit, you’re going to hit a wall hard, normally around the $3,000,000 mark.

At this stage of The Billionaire Code, you’re in your business full-time, and your team is growing.

In order for your movement to keep growing too, you need to get your team ahead.  Build your team up and train them with processes and systems to do what you well so you can help more people.  That’s what it takes to graduate from Operator.

Remember, not only do you completely change your focus and your behaviors at every single level of the code but, you have to keep everything that you’ve already built moving forward. Building your team is the key.

Now that you understand where you are on the Billionaire Code, you have clarity on what you need to do next in order to move forward as an entrepreneur.

This information on its own is massively powerful and will change your business permanently if you apply it.

If you would like help understanding how to take this information and apply it to yourself and your business so that you can move forward fast, we are here for you.

Take a minute now and book your FREE Strategy Session with Simple Operations.

On our strategy session, we will help you understand how to take this valuable information and build it into a plan you can execute fast. We look forward to talking to you.

Watch the Billionaire Code Presentation Filmed at a Private Mastermind.

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